- Pu Yan
- 性别:女
- 职称:助理教授
- 电子邮箱:puyan@pku.edu.cn
新媒体研究(new media research);
网络社会学(social science of the internet);
互联网产业对比研究(comparative study of internet industry);
日常网络行为(everyday life information practices)
2015.10-2020.03, 信息、传播与社会博士,牛津大学互联网研究所
PhDin Info, Comm & Social Science, University of Oxford, Oxford Internet Institute
2014.10-2015.07, 互联网社会学硕士(获得特等学位等级),牛津大学互联网研究所
MSc in Social Science of the Internet (Distinction)
2010.09-2014.07, 新闻学学士(2014年清华大学优秀毕业生)、英语语言文学学士(双学位), 清华大学新闻与传播学院
BA in Communication and Journalism (Hons)
BA in English Literature (minor degree)
大数据、新媒体与社会(Big data, new media and society)[拟开]
Book Chapter章节
Yan, P. (forthcoming in 2022) Internet policy and smart city in China. Handbook of Public Policy and the Internet. Edward Elgar publishing
Yan, P. (forthcoming in 2021) Social theory and the internet in everyday life. Research Handbook on Digital Sociology. Edward Elgar publishing
Journal publications (* indicates correspondent authorship) 期刊论文(*代表通讯作者)
Yan, P*. (2021). ‘Fed with the Wrong Stuff’: Information Overload (?) and the Everyday Use of the Internet in Rural and Urban China. International Communication Gazette. 83(5), pp. 404-427. https://doi.org/10.1177/17480485211029019
Yan, P*. Schroeder, R. (2021). Grassroots information divides in China: Theorising everyday information practices in the Global South.Telematics and Informatics,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2021.101665
Yan, P, Schroeder, R*. & Sebastian, S. (2021). Is there a link between climate change scepticism and populism? An analysis of web tracking and survey data from Europe and the US. Information, Communication & Society, https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2020.1864005
Robinson, L., ...Yan, P....et al. (2020). Digital inequalities 3.0: Emergent inequalities in the information age. First Monday. 25. https://doi.org/10.5210/fm.v25i7.10844
Robinson, L., ...Yan, P....et al. (2020). Digital Inequalities 2.0: Legacy Inequalities in the Information Age. First Monday. 25.https://doi.org/10.5210/fm.v25i7.10842
Yan, P.& Schroeder, R*. (2019). Variations in the adoption and use of mobile social apps in everyday lives in urban and rural China. Mobile Media & Communication, 8(3), pp. 318–341. https://doi.org/10.1177/2050157919884718
Yan, P*. (2019). Information Bridges: Understanding the Informational Role of Network Brokerages in Polarised Online Discourses. In: Taylor N., Christian-Lamb C., Martin M., Nardi B. (eds) Information in Contemporary Society. iConference 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11420. Springer
Yan, P.&Yasseri, T*. (2017). Two Diverging Roads: A Semantic Network Analysis of Chinese Social Connection (“Guanxi”) on Twitter. Frontiers. Digital Humanities. 4:11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fdigh.2017.00011
Journal papers under review在审期刊论文
Mishra, M, Yan, P., & Schroeder, R. TikTok Politics: Tit for Tat on the India-China Cyberspace Frontier
Yan, P., Schroeder, R., & Sebastian, Stier. Populism, cosmopolitanism, and globalization: A comparison between the US and Germany
Yan, P., Schroeder, R., & Sebastian, Stier. Drifting away from the mainstream: Media attention and the politics of hyperpartisan news websites
Journal articles in progress工作论文
Yan, P. The Space of Attention for News: A Similarity Network of Website Visits
Yan, P. “Living in the Era of Attention-Grabbing Designs”: Misinformation, Media, and the Use of the Internet in China. [Thesis chapter]
Yan, P. Information Needs and Information Seeking Practices among Chinese Internet Users. [Thesis chapter]
Book review and policy papers书评或政策性分析文章
Yan, P. & Mishra, M. (2o21).How TikTok shapes the attention economy in China and India. IT4Change
Yan, P. (2020) Payal Arora, The Next Billion Users: Digital Life Beyond the West. International Sociology, 35(2), 231-234
Yan, P. (2019) The Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Model in The Development of E-Commerce and Digital Skill Trainings in Rural China. Pathways for Prosperity. Blavatnik School of Government, U of Oxford
Fu, X. &Yan, P. (2017) Issues Paper on Building digital competencies to benefit from existing and emerging technologies with special focus on gender and youth dimensions. Prepared for the UNCTAD Secretariat Meeting
Non-peer-reviewed publications非同行评议期刊文章
Yan, P. (2019). “Chinese Pastoral”: What happens when town and country collide. LOGIC Magazine. 2019(7)
Yan, P. (2016). More than Simply Access: Literature Review on the Social Science Research of the Rural Internet. China Internet
Yan, P. (2016). Observing Human Behaviours: Opportunities and Challenges in Social Media Studies. China Statistics
国际计算社会学年会 International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2);
国际传播学年会 International Communication Association (ICA) conference;
Telecommunication Policy,
International Journal of Communication
Chinese Journal of Communication
Information, Communication, and Society
Social Media + Society
British Journal of Politics and International Relations